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Blogs by Dave Oliver

Written on 07 May : 08:38
[ Dave Oliver Blogs ]
The TAGB team broke another record on Saturday night by winning their fourth clash of the titans title, which was billed as the "super clash". Our fighters did us proud beating the Warriors team by 9 wins, 1 draw and only 2 losses. Italso showed the difference between martial artists who have had a proper grounding in discaplin and etiquette and those with no real roots or foundation to their art.
The support that our team received was phenomenal and it made me proud to be Chairman of such a great team and such great supporters, and as I said before the event let those who desire peace prepare for war and our team did!
Steven Miller who came all the way over from Memphis, USA to fight on the TAGB team said it was a great honour and he asked me to thank everyone for their friendship and hospitality shown to him and his wife Tara during their visit.